六六闪读 > 玄幻奇幻 > 拼接梦境 > 第130章 二挡鬼尸

第130章 二挡鬼尸


    Bull penis pulling ShanMei looked back at us as he ran, not very panic.
    Suddenly they around separate revealing a channel in the middle.
    Then open to spill the contents into his mouth, I immediately identified, the smell in the air was the dead tree root system to grow the black border on the red flowers, they are...
    And horses eat this kind of flower feel different, dream resin village people ate it all and ShanMei except cattle penis after all painful crouched down, enfolding her tummy, like something in the stomach peristalsis, soon they were all on the ground limb tic and hair began to become visible to the naked eye.
    This stuff is so bossy, are much smaller than the horse's body, suffered the pain of more natural, their body skin began to atrophy like something internal use in their life, then the body becomes a skinny mummy.
    Hair and nails has become longer, their clothes because the body is all off sharply reduction, the skin has been completely dead, no water like dried up eyes because their eyelids already shrinking prominent outside the eyes, just a moment here becomes a hell of a hungry ghost.
    The change of the horses can be recovery by the excretion of toxins, now all people are taking this stuff back, in addition to cattle penis ShanMei that good...
    Her lips with transparent sticky liquid, nails clipped in the ground kept cramp twisted my neck and shoulders.
    Show the pain of a ferocious face and she was, she slowly turned to look at the second, and then hard like two black fly came at the same time the mouth like a spectre, bray, that sounds no longer her voice like sounds of nature...
    A wave of two black wanted to beat her, don't want to ShanMei was attached to his arm on a log caught two black, a mouth to bite down, the mouth cape flow with mucus in two black chest, can't she bites, I grabbed two black hair a foot pedal his beneficiary from rotating behind him to his front, the knee is the top in ShanMei that ferocious face first I yelled.
    That a knee direct roof flew to her, but now we have already been surrounded, quickly take them not to hurt his soul, bull penis sounds coming from the front.
    All change at this time people are weird head with a flower, if it has been long into their mind, that should have their mind lose these petals smell pheromones, eager to fresh blood to nourish themselves.
    It's no wonder that these people have become withered zombies, their soul in the body of gas blood has been drained it.
    I also jump two black shoulders, jumped up my two black cried to the king, he is the king of Damascus in my this is still a mount identity, two black also clearly didn't squat on the pull up leap into the air, the speed don't know how much faster than before, of air blowing her hair all over the place.
    Might overexert he dreamed to jump so high, we are embarrassed to find two black drop can be a bit difficult, at this moment we look down a peg or two to the fullest, my cloak was flying in the air, I stood on the shoulders of his, two black hands holding a huge axe towering jump in the air, golden hair bright bright brightness in the sun.
    But his strength...
    If the flowers are still in the dream resin village himself can't do anything in the body of a soldier, but they are grown from the host, and control the host brain this moment they will no longer be the bulk of human...
    Earlier and now he has just unlock the power of blood pressure, wind sand broken niang coax, the proverbs like rolling thunder pass away from the air.
    I thought...
    At a time when all the mummy was prostrate on the ground, two black I yell a he understand my heart jumped again will I catch to fall back to earth, mom, you are the ghost king resin...
    I tapped him on the head, called home elder sister, you are the prince of the devils.
    Has, of course is that black border trilobites flowers, looking into the hill over there, I saw cattle penis was gone.
    If he know, it all comes from resin village of seal is loose in the dream last night, I don't know what feeling, will I took so much effort from the stockade now out of disguise, also want to coerce two black and the old lady.
    My heart and two black chased cattle penis into pyramid-shaped mound, but leave my ward the mummy will regain the body without restraint, the nature of evil, these plants do not have so high and the spirit of wisdom.喜欢拼接梦境请大家收藏:(www.663d.com)拼接梦境六六闪读小说网更新速度最快。

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