六六闪读 > 都市生活 > 爱在何方,家在何处 > 第185章 大闹鸳鸯宴(六)

第185章 大闹鸳鸯宴(六)


    “In fact, boys and girls do not matter, after all, are your flesh and blood, They have to be pregnant for ten months to give birth,I guess you don't have a preference for boys in America.(其实男孩女孩都无所谓,毕竟都是你们的骨肉,也都要怀胎十个月才能生下来,我猜想你们美国应该没有重男轻女吧。)”青雯说。
    “This preference for sons is largely absent in the United States and seems to be absent in the United Kingdom。(这重男轻女的问题在美国基本上没有,好像在英国也没有。)”alisa说。
    “This is pregnant before trimester is very important, want to take care of all the more, must not neglect, on the diet also should pay more attention to do not eat too stimulating food, strenuous exercise also do not use.(这怀孕前三个月很重要,要格外重视小心,千万不可疏忽大意,在饮食上也要多加注意不可吃太过刺激的食物,剧烈的运动也不要用。)”青雯说。
    “Mother, please rest assured that I will take good care of your daughter-in-law.(妈妈,请你放心,我会好好照顾你的儿媳妇的。)”杰西说。
    “That's good. This caution drives ten thousand years boat, mother asks you now you are to like to eat sour or like to eat spicy.(那就好。这小心驶得万年船,妈妈问你你现在是爱吃酸的还是爱吃辣的。)”青雯说。
    “well, I love both of them. I love both sweet and sour, spicy and salty.(嗯,我都爱吃,这酸、甜、辣、咸我都爱吃。)”alisa说。
    “Yeah, maybe Chinese folklore doesn't apply to americans.(是嘛,可能中国人的民间传言放在美国人身上不适合吧。)”青雯说。

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