六六闪读 > 都市生活 > 爱在何方,家在何处 > 第186章 大闹鸳鸯宴(七)

第186章 大闹鸳鸯宴(七)


    “Your son is such a pain in the neck. The wedding day is coming, and you don't know where it is.(你的儿子太不让人省心了,这眼看婚期就要到了,人却还不知道在哪呢。)”戴妮?维多利亚?约翰逊说。
    “Mom, just relax. Jessie is not going to miss the wedding date.(妈,你就放宽心吧,杰西是不会耽误婚期的。)”威廉说。
    “I can rest assured of such a personality, now more and more like the mother of the failed, you said Canada has what good, but this time to play.(这样性格我还能放心,现在越来越像那个不争气的妈了,你说加拿大有什么好的,偏偏这个时间去玩。)”戴妮?维多利亚?约翰逊说。
    “Where to travel is their little couple's business, we don't have to care, we don't have the legal right to interfere in their private life.(去哪旅行是他们小夫妻的事情,我们没有必要去管啊,法律上我们也没有权利去干涉他们的私生活。)”威廉说。
    “Honey, you're right. They have their lives, and we have our lives. They're separate. We're two families.Our two families don't interfere with each other.(亲爱的,你说得对,他们有他们生活,我们也有我们的生活,二者是各自独立的,我们是两个家庭,我们相互间互不干涉。)”Linda不知何时从楼上冒了出来,说着没有温度的话。
    “Linda,This will always be jess's home. He will always be my grandson, and he will inherit the Johnson fortune.(你这话就不对了,这永远是杰西的家,他永远是我的孙子,将来也是他继承约翰逊家族的资产。)”戴妮?维多利亚?约翰逊反驳道。
    “You don't deserve it. How can jess inherit all this property? It's not fair. I'm William's wife and I have a right to my own property(您这话也欠妥当吧,这家产怎么能都让杰西一个人继承呢,那样也太不公平了吧,我是威廉的妻子也有权利分得属于自己的家产。)”Linda毫不示弱,她这种人根本就吃不到亏。
    “You are jess's legal mother, and your share of the family property will eventually go to jess too,Since the city's rivers return to the sea, is it still useful to divide the property?(你是杰西法律意义上的母亲,这家里属于你的那份财产最后不也要给杰西吗?既然都会河流归海,那分家产还有用吗?)”戴妮?维多利亚?约翰逊说。
    “Why not? My share of the property will be left to me and William's children.(怎么没有用,我的那一份财产还要留给我和威廉的孩子呢。)”Linda说。
    “You and William's baby, where is the baby?(你和威廉的孩子,那我问你那孩子在哪呐?)”戴妮?维多利亚?约翰逊说。
    “As long as we work hard as a couple, the baby will come sooner or later.(只要我们夫妻努力孩子迟早会有的。)”Linda 说。
    “Work hard, work hard. You've been saying it for years, but you still haven't made a sound. You're almost fifty.Does your excuse come to sixty? Still speaking of my death! I guess you're just a no-egg hen.(努力,努力,这话也说了好多年了吧,怎么还是一点声音没有啊,你这都快五十岁了吧,难道你的借口要说到六十吗?还是说到我死啊!我猜你就是个不下蛋的母鸡。)”戴妮?维多利亚?约翰逊带着怒气说,话里带着多年的怨气。
    “The fox's tail is still exposed, the birth of the baby thing trace back to the mother you do wrong, but you personally separated us.Later, we got together again under your arrangement, but I was not the best age to have children.You are not ignorant of this, so all this is all your own cause, so you have no right to say I(狐狸尾巴还是露出来了,这生孩子的事追根溯源还是婆婆你做错了,当初可是你亲自拆散了我们。后来在你的百般撮合之下我们又再度结合,可是当时我已经不是最佳的生育年龄了,这你不是不知道,所以这一切的一切都是你一手造成的,所以你根本就没有权利说我。)”Linda毫不给婆婆留情面,架势十足,盛气凌人,一顿语言炮轰后就大摇大摆地出门了。
    “Is really angry I, is really more and more presumptuous, a woman will not give birth to a child there is a reason, anyway we also over the difficulties, no you will change a woman.(真是气死我了,真是越来越放肆了,一个不会生孩子的女人还有道理了,反正难关咱们也度过了,不行你就再换一个女人吧。)”戴妮?维多利亚?约翰逊说。
    “I can't listen to you this time. I have my own opinion.(这回我不能再听你的了,我有我自己的看法你就别管了。)”威廉说完也离开了。
    “Even my son doesn't listen to me any more. The daughter-in-law there is even more lawless.(连我儿子都不听我的话了,那儿媳妇还不更无法无天了。)”戴妮维多利亚约翰逊心想着,呼吸急促,脸气得通红。…………
    “Mother, old aunt, I will take you home to live.(妈,老姨,我领你们回家住去。)”杰西说。
    “对,你阿姨说得对,你就听你老姨的吧,There are kids out there. Some kids don't see it.(还有孩子在场呢,有些孩子看到不好。)。”青雯说,最后一句青雯怕小念缘听出来,就用英语跟杰西说。
    “那、Well, why don't you go and stay at my house, which has plenty of room, so you can have a chat with my in-laws.(那你们就去我家去住吧,正好我家房间也多,到时你们还能跟我岳父岳母聊会天呢。)”杰西说。
    “The rightness! Why don't you stay with us? I'm sure my parents will be very happy. They've been wanting to see you for a long time.(对对对!你们就住到我们家吧,我爸妈肯定会很高兴的,他们早就想见见你们。)”alisa说。
    “太好了,走,Mother agreed to(妈同意了。)”杰西高兴的说。
    “Great, mom. You're so sweet。(太好了,妈你真好。)”alisa说。喜欢爱在何方,家在何处请大家收藏:(www.663d.com)爱在何方,家在何处六六闪读小说网更新速度最快。

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